Ella then said, "Mommy, would you be a sub sometime in my classroom? It would be so cool."
"Well," I said. "I don't qualify because I am not a teacher and I think I would need to take some special classes."
"No problem, Mommy. I am going to write you a list of everything you need to know to become a sub. I'll be right back."
Ella came back a few minutes later with a comprehensive list:
You Work We Work
We Play You Sit.
We read.
And there you have it.
THAT is some bad ass haiku.
Oh, how cute!
I just love kids :)
i think she's got it all summed up there on that hot pink paper!
That's awesome!
(Smart girl! She knows the drill!) ;)
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Superb post regarding "She's Got it All Figured Out"
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i think she's got it all summed up there on that
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