At the behest of MIM I have been asked to do a "Meme." What is a Meme you ask? I haven't the foggiest, but I think it gives people who don't know you the chance to get to know you by writing about yourself. Which is what I am doing with this blog anyway, but whatever. I'll give it a shot. This is a list of "Sevens."
7 Things I Want to Do Before I Die
1. Have intelligent, happy children who will fist fight to care for me in my old age
2. Adopt a child (Why you ask as it seems I have no control over the two I have? I just do.)
3. Go to a cooking class with SoNotMartha in Tuscany. I'm locked in since she already said she wanted to do it, but we would have a lot of fun!
4. Live in a foreign country for at least a year
5. Be married to my husband for a minimum of 50 years and love him as much as I do today
6. Love on a truckload of grandchildren
7. Write an autobiographical cookbook. Chapters would include food of my youth (Polish food, food containing government cheese or dried milk), the "college years" (will be a short chapter as I only had $11/week to spend on food) and now.
7 Things I Cannot Do
1. Be on an airplane without thinking I will die
2. Resist buying shoes for myself and my daughters
3. Kiss and hug my kids enough
4. Shake my poor self image
5. Watch The Sound of Music without crying
6. Paint my nails
7. Make my mother realize that she CAN snap out of her depression and be a functioning, happy person with some help
7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex
1. The ability to find my idiosyncrasies charming
2. Intelligence
3. Not afraid to speak his mind without being a jackass about it
4. Well read
5. Honesty
6. Secure in his baldness
7. Good Credit
7 Things I Say Most Often
1. Shut UP! (The way Elaine from Seinfeld did without the pushing)
2. Whaaa?
3. Just a minute...
4. I love you more than chocolate ice cream!
5. Dammit (not around the chillins)
6. No WAY!(or Get OUT!)
7. True Dat
7 Celebrity Crushes
1. John Cusack
2. John Cusack
3. John Cusack
4. Scott Baio
5. Matt Damon
6. Don Cheadle
7.Alice Cooper (not really--just checking to see if you have died of boredom yet!)
7 People I Want To Do This
1. Definitely my friend Erin
2. My Cincinnati Soul-Sista Misfit --who knew there were two Misfits in one town?
3. Jenette, another Cincinnatian!
I have some very interesting friends who do not blog (but should) and should do this:
4.Jen Z--Oh the stories she has...
5. Amy N.--we met in Lamaze and have daughters 2 weeks apart.
6. Stevo--is in the movie biz--oh the stories he has...
7. Mark--Managed Cafeteria and Brasserie in NYC--Oh, the stories...
Whatever, hooker. You are NOT locked in to Tuscany. I'll just take Suburban Misfit with me, since SHE'S your soul sister. (fade out to Fatal Attraction music in background)
BTW, Stevo, if you read this, I'll PAY you to start a blog.
My name made it in your blog! tee hee!
First, sounds like it would be best if you didn't piss off NotSoMartha.
Second, GREAT list! I pretty much relate to to your entire "Things I Cannot Do" list. And, boy are you brave to admit crushing on Scott Baio -- that made me laugh out loud! Chachi!! YEAH!
What's wrong with Alice Cooper?
I miss being able to say SHUT UP (although I say it like Stacey London, of course) because Henry will remind me that it is a BAD WORD. Yeah, right.
Is it really possible to love someone more than chocolate ice cream? I'm not so sure....
Listen to MIM.
OH! I missed this, somehow.
I'll get to it this week, I promise!
I almost fell over when I read that good credit made the list of what attracts you to the opposite sex. At this point in my life, he should not only have good credit, but an excellent retirement plan, good health insurance, and an income that would allow me to pursue whatever I chose without need to consult a budget. Otherwise, there's no point in getting married.
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