This is a photo of two kids who REALLY want birthday cake. Actually, it is a picture of a big sister who really wants birthday cake. She has been dreaming of birthday cake for days. She can't stop talking about the birthday cake that she had two months ago. She has been trying to explain to her sister the joys of the birthday cake. But baby sister doesn't listen. Instead, she chews on a Tupperware lid.

No, this isn't a crime scene. It is merely a red velvet cupcake that I made for Peaches. As you can see, she totally went for it.
I can't believe she's one.
Nice of me to forget the date when I called yesterday. Your MIL informed me of my mistake. WHoopsie! Who has time to read a calendar these days, anyway?
She looks like she enjoyed her cake.
Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too?
To the bathtub, stat. I let my kids attack cake and cupcakes with similar results.
Heh...of course the older sis is just waiting to help her little sis celebrate by eating as much cake as possible. :)
Love the after effects of the cake pic! Who knew red cake could look so gory?
Reminds me of the Groom's Cake in Steel Magnolias.
Happy Birthday Peaches!
I like the expression on her face: 'What're YOU looking at???'
Happy birthday, baby girl!
I eat my cake like that too. Adorable children! I am particularly enamoured of their tights.
Happy Birthday to Peaches!!!
Happy 1st Birthday Peaches! Enjoy the mess while you can!
Happy 1st birthday! Yum, I love red velvet cake!!
I just discovered your blog and already added it to my favorites.
Love the crime scene photo.
WOO HOO STEELERS! I grew up in Mt. Lebanon but I wouldn't move back there in a New York minute. Yet I'm awfully loyal to Pgh. teams!
That was from ONE red velvet cupcake? Wow! Impressive work there from the little one. Great photos, Misfit. They're absolutely adorable!
You are a braver women than I, giving your children red anything.
Happy Birthday Peaches!
What really makes the second pic is the expression, combined with the red cake. That girl is serious about her confectionary!
Sarah oh! grew up in Mt. Lebo??? Me too. And, like her, I wouldn't go back there if ya had a gun pressed to the back of my head...
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