Thursday, April 06, 2006

Herr's Employment Update

Herr's interviews are going at a good clip. By April 17, he will have had nine interviews in all parts of the country--mostly the East Coast. He leaves this afternoon for Cambridge, MA and will be home tomorrow night. Then he will fly back to Cambridge next week and spend almost the whole week there as he will have had four interviews with three companies. He'll even get to spend Wednesday sightseeing because of gaps in the interviews. Lucky bastard.

Actually, he's not a lucky bastard at all. I couldn't interview the way he does. As a Scientist he first does a one hour "talk" to discuss research he has done. There is a question and answer session and then he does one-on-one interviews with people for the rest of the day. The day is typically a 10-hour one. I can't imagine having to be "on" for 10 hours straight. Especially if some Jackass decides to try to stump him with science crap during his question/answer part of his talk. What makes it even tougher is that he has dinner with the people the night before; sort of a "getting to know you" sort of thing.

At any rate, he received an offer from one company already, but it is doubtful he will take it. The money was OK, but their relocation sucks and we would lose a lot of money. He is also annoyed that they told him in the interview that when they extend offers, they demand an answer in a week. He plainly told them that they should hold off on any offers until April 17, but this is the same company with the "Let's Stump The Scientist" Jackass, so there you go.

He is very excited about the company he interviewed with in Wilmington, DE this week. He is trying not to think about it because he doesn't want to be disappointed if he doesn't get an offer. They told him that they have a couple more interviews this week and should have an answer next week. His former employer is also very interested in having him come back, which is nice, so we shall see how it all pans out.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are progressing well. I knew it was going to be Delaware. A few weeks ago I made a comment on your post and bet a measly 20 bucks on DE.....

What about NJ? If you go back there don't you have to get back into that stupid housing market? You know the one that will collapse soon and make the Nasdaq drop look like a picninc..

Best of luck


Pinterest Failures said...

If he went back to his old job in NJ we would have to live in Pennsylvania-- somewhat cheaper houses, less taxes, but longer commute.

Velma said...

Boy, does this sound like a hard time for you guys! I always have hated the uncertain times in our past more than the actual changes/moves's so hard not knowing! Just think, pretty soon it will all be resolved and you can move forward instead of just marking time.

Kristen said...

I hope Herr gets the offer from the DE company - both because he liked it AND because it would bring some closure to this period of not knowing. Hate the not knowing. I'll keep my fingers crossed!!

Kara said...

Fingers crossed for Massachusetts. Sorry, dances with scorpions.

word verification: apebaa

c said...

I think Wilmington was on my List Of Cities That Are Compatible With My Many Demands.

Crossing fingers!

kimmyk said...

sounds like you wont have to worry.

did you ever decide on the dishwasher color?

Anonymous said...

It is spelled Rehoboth, people who live in DE HATE that! Really we do. And we have no sales tax here. Traffic stinks in the summer,unless you like that kind of thing, the locals hide from Memorial day to Labor day.

Pinterest Failures said...

I was corrected on the spelling of Rehoboth last summer on my blog and I have not made the mistake again. We have an annual Girlie Weekend there every July so I am aware of the horrendous traffic. I still love going there.

Anonymous said...

Speling asyde, I'm shure we got the generl ideya aboot whut she was talken aboot.

Have fun spending your money and helping to support DE's rich tourist-based economy!

L. said...

My husband gets transferred every few years, so I know that the most annoying part of all is when you know something is about to happen, but you don`t know exactly what or when.

Best of luck to all of you!

Andie D. said...

Hopefully the DE job will work out! Wherever you go, we'll be there for ya.

OTRgirl said...

At some point in the next few years, my MD/PhD husband will have to do the interview rounds. Your post is a great 'preview' of what that might be like for both of us.

Sounds like you have some great possibilities!

Pinterest Failures said...

OY! My husband almost went the MD/PhD track when deciding to go back to school. That is a tough road!!!

Suburban Turmoil said...

Cambridge and Wilmington both seem like cool places to live. Good luck!